230922 Unforgiveness


I thought I had forgiven you

That all past hurt and pain were through 

Yet, anger's come to take the place

Of memories I can't erase

I've tried to put it all behind

Make my emotions fall in line

Instead, they just relive the past

And calm and peace don't ever last

The hatchet, it seems, won't stay buried 

The reasons are complex and varied

Perhaps forgiveness would be true

If received apology from you 

I pray for that both day and night 

Part of me knows that isn't right

To think my peace hinges on you

And what you do or do not do

For even if admit your wrong

Apologize? Your not that strong

Apparently, I'm not strong either 

We both avoid dramatic theater

To think it all will go away

If " I'm sorry," you'd just say

Is really quite naive at best

Not how forgiveness is manifest

Forgiveness's something I must do

It's not dependent upon you

I might wait an eternity 

For a proper apology 

Or it might never come at all

For truly, that will be your call

See, I can't control what e're you do

But only the things I choose to

Have you someone you can't forgive

Your mercy runs through like a sieve 

And quickly empties in the drain

Then cycle starts all over again 

So, if you're in same place as me

And forgiveness won't come easily 

Ask God for strength to see it through 

For heaven knows he's forgiven you

Repent your unforgiveness now

Your heavenly Father will show you how

Then all old hurt and pain release

And in its place to find sweet peace

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving on another as God in Christ forgave you

Matthew 6:15

But if you do not forgive others their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses

1 John 1:9

Mark 11:25

Matthew 18:21-22

Colossians 3:13


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