230925 Lost It!
Lost It!
I lost it! Can't find it anywhere
My panic has turned to despair
I've searched and searched; it can't be found
I've turned this whole place upside-down
I know I had it yesterday
Used it and then put it away
Today, I'm panicking because
It isn't where I thought it was
Retraced my steps; looked high and low
Now, where on earth did that thing go?
I really need it; need it now
I'm close to throwing in the towel
But I know that I cannot quit
For I have such great need of it
Can't be replaced with something else
Can't buy another with great wealth
For it's unique, one of a kind
The thing I'm looking for's my mind!
See, I lost it while in a rage
When stress kept building days and days
Then, could not take it anymore
So lost it, then ran out the door
Yet, when my tantrum reached an end
Decided I needed it again
Found losing it came with great ease
Finding it again was not a breeze
The thing is, when you lose your mind
Then, often treat others unkind
So, have to wade through that debris
To find place where calm mind might be
Apologize for losing it
In weak moment of throwing fit
But, after that, where to begin
What steps to take to find again
Perhaps it is to take deep breath
Ask God to help; he'll do the rest
Seek His forgiveness, guidance, too
He'll restore calm and peace to you
So, next time feel like you've lost it
Breath deep and then refocus it
Away from what is stressing you
To One who loves you through and through
He's oh so worthy of our trust
And promises to care for us
So don't lose faith, along with mind
For, trust and peace are both entwined
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger
Proverbs 14:29, 16:32
James 1:19-20
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