230926 Strongholds
Has Satan got a hold on you
Controlling what you say or do
Do worries keep you up at night
And every day feels like a fight
Keep doing things you know are wrong
You want to stop, but aren't that strong
The devil knows right where you're weak
So, in your ears, his lies will speak
"You'll never change. "This sin's okay."
"God won't forgive. " " Have your own way."
Then soon you find bad ways take hold
And meeker actions become bold
Soon harmful thoughts will so repeat
That best attempts end in defeat
Next, lies become the truth you hear
"The Father's wrath is what's to fear."
So, no way out is in your sight
It's not yourself that you must fight
For blood and flesh are not what's wrong
A spiritual battle all along
We must attack things at the source
For any hope to change our course
See, holy weapons win this war
And bring defeat to Satan's door
So, give the battle to the One
It's in His hands it will be won
Then, fight the fight on bended knee
And from your strongholds, you'll be free
2 Corinthians 10:4
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
Ephesians 6:12-13
James 4:7
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