231216 Trust


We trust the chair will hold our weight

We trust the trains will not run late

We trust our brakes will never fail

Trust when you say, "check's in the mail."

We trust those we know most closely 

We trust salsa and chips come free

We trust our plane can take to flight

Trust chef before we take a bite

We trust our friend's no secret spreader

Trust medicines to make us better

We trust those other drivers, too

Will stop at red light, not speed through 

Perhaps we shouldn't trust these things

A lack of trust though, worry brings

For when we're not the trusting kind

We're always fearful things aren't fine

So much in life we take on faith

But, is our trust in the wrong place?

For things can break and trust can too

When someone close has betrayed you

To trust no one's no place to be

Yet, must be placed in what's worthy

For broken trust's hard to forget

So, what to trust that's a safe bet?

The one to trust that's always true

Is the one who created you

Can put your trust in Lord above

For all he does, he does with love

God says, trust every word I say

Same today, tomorrow, yesterday 

No word I speak will ever fail

My divine will shall e're prevail 

So, trust the Lord, for he's worthy

Then his peace will replace worry

Your life's secure within his hands

For you can trust his perfect plans

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding 

Psalm 56:3

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday  and today and forever 

Jeremiah 29:11

Isaiah 26:3-4

Philippians 4:6-7

Psalm 40:4, 118:8


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