240123 Value
If find ten dollars in the dirt
Does soiling affect what it's worth
Of course not, that would be silly
It still is legal currency
If inherit a priceless heirloom
But doesn't match decor of room
Does that diminish its value
Or make it less precious to you
Likewise, if you've worked years and years
Exerting your blood, sweat, and tears
Creating opus critics pan
Is your hard work now lesser than
At work, does boss not value you
No matter what it is you do
Your efforts never earn you praise
And never mind getting a raise
Worse yet, what if one close to you
No longer sees value in you
No greater pain than when you find
You're treated as pearls before swine
True value has nothing to do
With what others may think of you
It doesn't come from who you know
Your car, or stock portfolio
It's not based on your neighborhood
Or how well you've tried to be good
Degrees you have, which school you've gone
Which social group that you belong
It doesn't come from who you are
Instead, it comes from whose you are
Because you're made in image of
You're valuable to God above
Don't let this world determine worth
God loved you since before your birth
Created you uniquely styled
For you are his most precious child
So, see yourself as God sees you
Most worthy; of infinite value
And treat others the same way, too
For that's what God calls us to do
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them
John 1:12
But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
Luke 12:6-7
Psalm 139:13-16
Titus 3:4-7
1John 3:1
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