240418 They Are Watching
They Are Watching
They are watching, don't you know
They see each thing you do
They watch the world through little eyes
And learn its truths from you
It's through the way that you react
They learn how to behave
It's so much more the things you do
Than anything you say
The raising up of little ones
T'is great responsibility
Yet, profound blessing also is
Creating legacy
Just like good earthly parents
Our Lord teaches, nurtures too
It isn't only what he says
Though every word is true
But, also it's each action done
That we can depend on
He shows his love and faithfulness
To each daughter and each son
This struggling world is watching too
How God's children do behave
So what we do and what we say
Is how God is portrayed
That feels like a great burden
On our shoulders to be placed
Though we can't act just like God does
Can demonstrate his love and grace
When we forgive other's missteps
And love them where they are
Our heart's revealed as genuine
And that goes mighty far
So, yes, the world is watching
And the little people, too
Thus, be a faithful witness
Something God will help you do
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