240419 The Easy Road
The Easy Road
Most often prefer the easy road
Just because the hike's a breeze
And I've found the older I've become
It is kinder to my knees
We humans can be lazy lot
And so often our insistence
When presented with an option
Choose the path of least resistance
Have learned in life the bumpy road
Though it's seldom one I'd pick
Still, is where the greatest lessons lie
Though that route is rarely quick
Too, when it has a steep incline
It's a harder hike to do
But with grit and perseverance
The reward's a greater view
For we learn the most when roads are rough
And must contemplate each step
Lessons that the easy road won't yield
Secrets that struggle has kept
Do not be quick to always choose
The easier thing to do
For it is resistance in this life
That greatly strengthens you
For what's true within the local gym
When we want our muscles strong
Is equally true spiritually
When resisting what is wrong
Seems the times my road is toughest
And the going's all up hills
That I feel my Savior's hand take mine
And his presence my heart fills
Lessons taught within my struggles
Ones learned only through great strife
Are the deepest and the most profound
And the ones that change my life
So, if you find the long, hard road
Is the one that you must trod
Rest assured, you're not walking alone
But are hand and hand with God
When you've reached the still, calm waters
And you see how far you've come
You'll rejoice in lessons of hard roads
That weren't found on easy ones
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