240530 Resist
In life, there's much I can't resist
Like chocolate cake or pizza pies
Without pasta, I can't exist
Let's not forget burgers and fries
There're people that I can't resist
My spine becomes a pile of goo
With twinkling eye or slobbering kiss
Will do what grandchild wants me to
Arguing is so hard to resist
When people take on different sides
Sometimes it's hard to coexist
When honest dialogue's been denied
Temptation's difficult to resist
When envy turns a lustful eye
All hesitation's then dismissed
We simply make up alibi
Quick tongue's impossible to resist
With idle gossip or sharp retort
Tongue curses, brags, or way Insists
Seems talking smack's an Olympic sport
The devil's schemes we can't resist
His whisperings bring doubt and fear
So, on and on his lies persist
Til Father's voice we choose to hear
For Bible says I can resist
The devil, and that he will flee
The Holy Spirit will assist
Because he lives inside of me
The Father's love I can't resist
There's nothing like the love God gives
Been loving long as time exists
For love is simply who God is
Dear Father, help me to resist
All things that do not honor you
And when I struggle then enlist
Your help, so I can follow through
I know my life is just a mist
Please help me live a noble one
So, when temptations do persist
I know the war's already won
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