240617 I Want ...

 I Want...

Don't want to drag through every hour
Collapse at night, all out of power
Don't want to be merely alive
I want to thrive

Don't want to only be content 
Okay with how each day is spent
But greet each day and shout, "Oh boy!"
I want joy

Don't want us not to get along
To always argue who is wrong
To simply have no fights, at least
I want peace

Don't want this tiredness so deep
The kind that does not let you sleep
To toss and turn, fitful at best
I want rest

Don't want a garden full of weeds
Want just to gaze at things lovely
Not walls and streets with graffiti 
I want beauty

Don't want to live in cluttered home
Where every room looks like war zone
So hard when you've become hoarder
I want order 

Don't want to doubt when I should trust
God only wants what's best for us
Want patience even when I wait
I want faith

Don't want to worry what comes next
About my future, not be vexed
For when I'm at the end of rope
I want hope

Don't want to feel ashamed again 
Continue being slave to sin
When guilt is written on my face
I want grace

I want dear ones surrounding me
True, loyal friends and family 
The ones who fit me like a glove
I want love

I have a lot of wants, it's true
My heavenly Father wants them too
For peace, rest, faith, hope, joy, and love
Are gifts my Lord has plenty of
And asking for them's not a bother
For, I worship a giving Father
And so his blessings far exceed
All I might want or say I need
What one thing does God ask me for?
He wants my heart, and nothing more


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