240722 He Won't

 He Won't

When you give up and can't go on
He won't 
Stopped loving self - done too much wrong 
He won't 

Your friends have left you all alone
He won't 
World speaks to you in hateful tone
He won't

When failing seems all you can do
He won't 
And others have given up on you
He won't
Loved one's stop showing loving acts
He won't
And Satan relentlessly attacks 
He won't

Devil says you're guilty as charged
And that you're worthless by in large
He won't
The world condemns you for your sins
Or thinks of you as a has been
He won't 

When stresses cause you to meltdown
And ones you trust have let you down
He won't
When " I'm forgotten's" been your creed
Or been denied the things you need
He won't
When deceitfulness is all around 
And lies and liars do abound
He won't

There's oh so much the Lord won't do
Like give up or abandon you
Be incompassionate when blue
Or see you as the world sees you
Won't ever tell a lie or two
Or work he's done in you, undo
Won't let you live without a clue
For bible guides you through and through 
Won't change to fit current world view
Won't break a promise made, its true
But mostly what the Lord won't do
The Father won't stop loving you


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