240727 Still a Child

 Still a Child 

Been an adult for quite some time
Yet, still a child within my mind
Though calendar says I've grown old
I'm still a youngster - truth be told

Don't mean with child-like innocence 
For that's been gone a long time since 
Nor juvenile in what I say
Though certainly can talk that way

Not like a child in look or size
But still can see with a child's eyes
Can view new things with sense of wonder
Feel like a child when make a blunder

Seem as grown-up, inside and out
Yet, like a child, am filled with doubt
Quite capable of " adulting"
Still, child in me craves nurturing 

Have child-like fear when facing bugs
Like kid, feel safest wrapped in hugs
Emotions can sometimes be wild
Like thoughts and bodies of a child

Though, don't have child's energy
Can still play hopscotch, easily
No somersaults can do of late
Have child's impatience when I wait

Most childish things I've put aside
But there's one that can't be denied
To trust the Lord with child-like faith
Approach his throne without disgrace

To gaze on him, in awestruck state
When I come to the pearly gate
And run like child into his arms
Certain he's protected me from harms

Dear Abba, as your child, I'm blessed
Believing that's not childishness
For, as good Father to your child
Your grace and mercy have stockpiled 

But mostly, as my heavenly parent
Your love for me is so apparent 
And on me, I know you have smiled
Sing hallelujah! I'm  your child!


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