240823 Seize the Day
Seize the Day
Don't look ahead; don't look behind
Look only toward the One divine
For looking back won't change the past
And future always comes too fast
It's present you should focus on
For past's already come and gone
Thus, dwelling there won't change a thing
And wishing, won't bright future bring
That doesn't mean you can't make plans
Just remember all is in God's hands
Nor does it mean can't learn from past
But living there keeps you downcast
Embrace the day that you are in
Not ones in past or not yet been
You've heard It said to seize the day
For truly, it is the best way
Right now is all that's promised you
And yesterday's already through
So, live each moment as a gift
And try to cherish all of it
I know that past and future days
Can cause you stress in many ways
What's been and not yet make you fret
If this one thing you do forget
To heavenward must keep your gaze
For Christ is Lord of all your days
He's cared for yoy through every one
Your yesterdays and those to come
For who can add a single day
By worrying this one away
Instead, choose to fill every minute
By looking for the blessings in it
Live for today, not in the past
You never know which one's your last
Trust God with those you have not yet
Thus, have full life with no regret
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