240824 Your Health

 Your Health

When you go for a physical 
A different trip than when you're ill
Not there 'cause anything is wrong
Assuring you're healthy and strong

Your doctor's checking every parent
Your reflexes, your lungs, and heart
Ears, nose, and throat, your temperature 
Your height and weight, blood work for sure

Yearly exam, if you don't go
When something's wrong, you might not know
Each malady might not show signs
So you believe that all is fine

Each test has a health tale to tell
What blessing if told all is well
For it's the greatest kind of wealth
To know that you're in perfect health

Physical health is just one kind 
We also need a healthy mind
A troubled mind is one that's fraught 
With all kinds of unhealthy thought

Depression, hate, anxiety 
Are all signs your mind's unhealthy 
And add to that the devil's ploys
Attacking thoughts and stealing joys

If your thoughts are unhealthy kind
Seek help to regain peace of mind
Find someone safe you can talk to
Support and grace to get you through 

Which also leads to something else
The state of your spiritual health
Assessing spiritual part of you
Is something you should often do

Does moral compass point the way
To godly things you do and say
Are you attuned to Spirit's call
Or rarely seek God, if at all

For proper habits play great role
In health of bodies, mind and soul
We must feed all good nutrients 
Carefully guard how our time's spent

The Great Physician is the source
Of keeping all health needs on course
If want a life of optimal health
The Bible provides infinite wealth

Seek it's wisdom to guide your days
So you live them in healthy ways
It's what the Father wants for you
He'll give you strength to do it, too


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