240827 Signs
Been in season of stress and grief
Oh, how I'm desperate for relief
Time when all things aren't do or die
Nor days when all I do is cry
I'm searching for some inner peace
Less strong anxiety, at least
Not days that feel like lions roaring
Instead, I want ones that seem boring
Where nothing dire is happening
Days soft and warm like early spring
Where little makes demands on me
Moments when I can simply be
I need to find a quiet place
One filled with mercy, love, and grace
Place I can recharge battery
A location that is stress-free
Not certain such a place exists
For calm feels fleeting as a mist
And prolonged peace beyond my grasp
But still, dear Lord, I have to ask
Is this storm ever going to end?
Or if so, then start up again?
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Yet, not sure can hold on much longer
Your Word says you are by my side
And I know you have never lied
But, could you send some kind of sign
To assure me all will be fine
Then, sign came directly from heaven
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you
...to give you a future and a hope too
And, just like that, another one
Isaiah 40:31
His word, with all the strength it brings
So I can mount on eagle's wings
What blessing to receive one more
Psalm 31: verse 24
And still he spoke to me again
Isaiah 41: verse 10
I think I found a quiet place
One filled with mercy, love, and grace
Place I can recharge battery
A location that is stress-free
Your Word contains all signs I need
They are there for each one to read
Thus, I know I can battle on
For that is where my strength is drawn
I'll rejoice in my sufferings
Because of godly traits it brings
Fully assured I'll make it through
All praise and glory go to You
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