241004 All For You

 All For You

I say I do it all for You
But then I seek the glory, too
Can claim I'm acting selflessly
Then, somehow, it's all about me

I want to give my all for You
Yet, seldom do I follow through 
It's my intention every day
But, then I get in my own way

Oh, how I want to live for You
And live for others as I do
Yet, living for me seems to be
The way I find myself, mostly

Believe my motivation's pure
With introspection,  not so sure
For, though I know where credit's due
Sometimes will take what's owed to You

Say I'll do all in Jesus's name
Next thing you know, I seek own fame
Something I'm sure you see right through
Lord, help me do it all for You

Help me put my ego away
Please humble me in every way
Glory and praise to You alone
For only You sit on the throne

Create in me a heart that's pure
That lives to serve You evermore 
And when my earthly life is through 
May I have lived it all for You


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