241007 One Way

 One Way

Some take offense there's just one way
To walk through heaven's pearly gate
They view it as a wide highway
And God's one way's up for debate

Or wonder how a loving God
Would want good folks to not come in
For after all, no one could go
If we must live life without sin

Or dues be paid to join the club
So, better yet, new club we'll start
Own club with our own set of rules
Where Jesus doesn't play a part 

Our club let's everybody in
In our world, we hate all exclusion 
Yours smacks of holy arrogance
To those who worship full inclusion

For surely there are many paths
Some think, since all roads lead to Rome
Why not just follow one we like
Since after all, they all lead home

There're flaws in all these points of view
They're not the things the Lord did say
The Bible makes it crystal clear
To heaven, there is just one way

You can't just follow your own path
You can't earn it through works or deeds
Yet, offered free to one and all
Through Christ is how it's guaranteed 

Yes, only one way to get in
Glorious salvation to receive 
It's through Christ Jesus, Son of God
It's that one thing you must believe

While journeys can take different paths
If destination is the same
The one way to eternal life
Is through belief in Jesus' name 

For Christ himself most clearly said
If heavenly Father you want to see
There's only one way and one truth
" No one comes to the Father except through me"


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