241009 Encouragement


We all could use encouragement
Recognition of the time we've spent
On tasks at work or 'round the house
By peers, or kids, or even spouse 

We all could use a pat on back
When confidence, we seem to lack
An " atta boy" or " good for you"
Encouragement for things we do

What joy to get a compliment
When it is most sincerely sent
When others notice and say so
It truly can set hearts aglow 

We all love hearing words of praise 
Then, mind remembers and replays
For kind words, does the spirit lift
And feels like the most precious gift

Yes, loving words we long to hear
Especially from those most dear
To know that they appreciate 
And tell you that they think you're great

For compliments can bring you mirth
And seem to validate your worth
What if it's something never heard
And others seldom share kind word

May I share some encouragement 
The kind that has been heaven sent
For what world does or doesn't say
In God's eyes carries little sway

You are the apple of his eye
So loved he sent his Son to die
So precious in his sight are you
Infinitely worthy, yes, it's true

Lacking nothing; in Christ made whole
Let truth of that rest in your soul
For you are his beloved child
When born, the whole of heaven smiled

Dear Father, this is what I pray
You give me loving words to say
To someone you place on my heart
So, through me your love, I impart
Make me source of encouragement 
So child of yours I represent 
Show love in all I say and do
To lead all glory back to you


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