241118 In The Woods

 In the Woods

I love to hike into the woods
Leave my world for a time
To hear leaves crunching underfoot 
And smell fresh scent of pine

To see the rugged mountain tops
Peek through the morning fog
Perhaps spy toadstool 'long the path
Or grey-green moss on log

To hear woodpecker's rat-tat-tat
Or watch a chipmunk scamper
The thrill of being in the woods
Not wind nor cold can damper

The sunlight softly filtered
Shines like glitter on the ground
The gurgle of a winding brook
Heaven's melody of sound

For there's a joy, hard to describe
I find amongst the trees
That brings such warmth into my heart
And puts my soul at ease

I feel my worries melt away
When hiking boots, I don
And there's a lightness to my step
When wooded trail I'm on

For the Lord's awesome majesty's 
Imprinted on each tree
And when I stand beside them
Somehow, that's transferred to me

Beauty of God's creation
All that's lovely, pure and good
A balm to soothe a weary soul
Encapsulated in the woods

I thank you, Lord for blessing me
With time on nature's trails
For if I want to feel you close
The forest never fails

Am grateful for each moment
And would stay here if I could
Shall glorify and praise you
The Creator of the woods


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