241212 Rest


Rest is not a privilege 
That's a truth I must still learn
It's something that's greatly required 
Not reward you have to earn

Sometimes, it's learned the hard way
Through sickness or injury
When my body has been forced to rest
To restore my health to me

Yet, in this hustle, bustle world
May think that it is best
To complete as much as possible 
And then never stop to rest

To some, rest denotes a weakness
Or the price of it's too steep
Or somehow, it's a bragging right
To require so little sleep

But that's not how God intended 
For on seventh day did rest
Not because the Lord would need it
But to teach us what is best

For God's always about balance
In our lives and in all things
So designed our bodies to need rest
And the restoration that it brings

Yes, the call to rest's a balanced one
All things done in moderation
Neither be a workaholic 
Nor go into hibernation 

So, don't fight it like a toddler's nap
Surrender to it; be refreshed
Necessity to function well
So embrace it and be blessed

But, if you find that all life's burdens
Keep you on edge, leave you stressed
Run straight to your dear Savior n 
In his arms, then you'll find rest


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